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Conformity is the act of matching attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours to group norms. Norms are implicit, specific rules, shared by a group of individuals, which guide their interactions with others. Conformity is compliance with standards and rules and behaving in accordance with socially accepted conventions. Conformity limits us to the things only we are accustomed to. From what to learn in schools to what we can think, do and wear. This system of conformity is called cultured programming. Like a machine is programmed to do only a certain things and is limited to performing them until it becomes useless, we humans are also being programmed that way by our society. This ranges from controlling the way we talk, to what we eat, the religion we follow and even what we think. The leaders of our society thrive on this conformity. There is no reason why we should be limited to a singular way to life. People are telling you right and left, that if you don't do well enough in your studies, you are not going anywhere. They make you believe that the only way to have a happy and successful life is to take the mainstream jobs. They will tell you that you cannot be an artist, a singer, a dancer or any other heterodox streams you might be interested in as success in these fields is so rare; it's not for everyone. This exact logic alone cripples the person from mastering their craft. This is what is killing human ingenuity and creativity. But why are we letting someone else decide our fate for us? Don't we owe it to ourselves to at least try to do what we want? We fail but we may succeed too. It takes people who are successful in their unorthodox streams years to master their art.

Even they have failed many times. They have also been told by the society that they won't succeed. They are not the exception. But if they had given up earlier than maybe the world won't have seen J.K Rowling, M.S. Dhoni and many other such legends. Sure there is a risk involved in following the path less taken, but how can you decide for yourself if you haven't even tried? The advantage is: there are so many paths from you to choose from even if you don't succeed at first. Allow yourself to live and take chances, fall and rise up again. Break the conformity and stick to your own rules. Don't become another slave of the cultural programming. Connect with people with the same thoughts and aspirations as you. Try getting a mentor and most importantly believe in yourself.

At the end, I would like to quote some lines by Robert Frost ā€“

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and Iā€”
I took the one less travelled by,
And that has made all the difference."