Actrice Mae West once said: "I speak two languages: Body and English."
Body language is a part of communication that very few actually study yet it makes up most of what we use to communicate and is generally much more accurate a judge of meaning than are the words we use.hey say actions speak louder than words and sometimes we can communicate things even without the aid of a single word. We can shrug our shoulders and, without a word, we’ve just said, "I don’t know." We can raise our eyebrows, and we’ve just said, "Excuse me? Did I hear you right?" We can turn our hands over palms up in front of us to say, "I don’t know what else to say. That’s all I’ve got."
Why is body language important? You can say that having the wrong body language makes that your talk almost can’t be a success. You need a lot of talent on other elements to make up for bad body language. Some examples of bad body language include: turning your back to the audience, moving around too much or hiding behind a desk. Gesturing also can have a bad influence on your talk. Being too aggressive in your gestures, drumming your fingers or even biting your nails are also bad examples. But even when you aren’t doing a bad job, improving your body language can have a big effect. Especially on the way, the audience receives your talk. It can make a difference between a nice talk and actually persuading people.
This is why it is important for everyone to pay attention to.Body language may be the determining factor in a job interview. If the applicant’s body language conveys that he is at ease with the subject matter and conveys confidence, he has a higher probability of getting the job, especially in this tough job market. We talked earlier about the fact that some body language is interpreted as being uncomfortable and out of control. These are some of the same traits that make a job applicant appear less than confident and comfortable as well.
By understanding body language more effectively, we can decrease our chances of being misunderstood, causing conflicts and increase our chances of being able to spot a liar, maintain our friendships, hire and be hired. For many more reasons body language and communication skills, in general, will help each of us immeasurably in our professional and personal life.