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The power of one, if focused, is formidable, but the power of many working together is better. One may see the advantages of working alone, but working together, in a group has so many more cons than that. Say, a person can build 5 machines daily. He has his advantages of working whenever he wants. Taking a break when he wants to. Taking his own time to complete his task with no one around to disturb him. But look at another situation where he has 5 more people with him. Together they will build 30 machines daily, the workload will be divided, the working will also not get monotonous and they can share the work by dividing it on the basis of who does what better. In less time more is done. And of course, the second situation is better. When you work together, you generate more ideas. Different people are good at different things. You may have an area where you excel graciously, but there are other areas too, where you will need help. Working together doesn’t mean that you aren’t capable enough. Team work makes the dream work. It is also a great way to utilize resources in a sustainable way. It is the courageous few who ask for help. It is the giving few willing to help others. We can all find the courage we need and know the joy of service – the minute we learn that together is better. To accomplish greatness, even the best among us need support and mentoring along the way. The biggest problem with the upcoming entrepreneurs and businessmen is that they think that they can do it all alone. That they can manage the entire areas single handily. But this attitude is what fails them.

They need to learn that working together, with someone they know, or someone of the same area will only be beneficial to them. There are things that can be learnt only with time and experience and they need this with them for their dream to live out. There are certain decisions and risks that cannot be taken by single person. They need to be discussed and looked at from different perspectives. A person alone may take a biased and rash decision, while a team will take a better, thought out, unbiased decision. Remember "coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress and working together is success."