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Temporary sadness is the beginning of happiness because the best is yet to come. I believe everyone should have their hard moments, but those bad moments are not going to affect our life forever. Our life should not only have sadness and should be substantial with happiness. The main purpose for living in this world is enjoying our life and believing in our faith. I believe all the sadness should come with reasons. We should learn from these moments; it’s all depending on how we get through them. I believe after hardworking moment, a better time will be waiting in front of us. Therefore, I believe the best is yet to come.

All the tears that dry us out, are preparing us for the smiles that are yet to happen. We should never be afraid of the bad things that happen to us! Otherwise, life would really spoil us. Besides, when you think of all the good things that can happen, even for a short time, you think: “It’s worth it!” History is full of stories about people who came into hard times, lost hope, and gave up. We rarely come to learn what would have happened with these individuals if they had given up. We are left to wonder what great successes these people might have achieved if they had chosen to hold on to hope. And how might they have gone on to shape our world for the better?

On the flip side we find that history is full of stories of people who also came into hard times, but they made a very different set of choices in their lives. Rather than losing hope and giving up, they chose to pick themselves up, brush themselves off, and continue moving with the hope toward achieving their dreams.

None of us are immune from falling into difficult times. That plight is something we all have in common. Another thing we all have in common is the ability to choose how we are going to react to the difficult times when they come. Will we allow them to destroy our hope for the future or will we decide to view them as a learning experience meant to help us as we continue to move forward with hope that the best is yet to come.

Take a look at examples of these great individuals who chose not to give up. They chose to keep pushing forward despite facing hardships and failures and ultimately found great success in their lives:

Bill Gates. He dropped out of Harvard and started a business called Traf-O-Data which failed. Instead of giving up he decided to start a little company called Microsoft

Walt Disney. He was fired from his job with a newspaper because he was told lacked imagination and didn’t have any good ideas. He went on to create Disney’s empire.

So don’t let anything hinder your growth and look ahead for greater things.