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Every person possesses certain skills and talent, which makes us different from others. We often use the terms talent and skill interchangeably, without knowing the fact that these are different from one another. Talent refers to the natural ability to do something in an extraordinary manner. A person is born with talent. A talented person does not have to put extra effort as it comes to him naturally. The word is used in context to various fields like – singing, painting, dancing, etc. When we use the word talented for people in these particular fields, it means that these people have innate abilities in the fields of singing, painting and dancing respectively. Due to these abilities, they are distinguished from other people. Skill is often contrasted with talent. It is also the ability to do something, but a person is not born with it. It is achieved by a lot of hard work. Thus unlike talent, skills are something that can be learned. Sometimes it takes many years to acquire the skills in an effective manner. This word is for those who believe that nothing is impossible. A proper training is must in order to get acquainted with the desired skills. Proper practicing and training are required to learn and master the skill.

While talent is an inborn ability or natural aptitude of a person which is often hidden and needs recognition. It means, being good in a certain activity, without actually learning or acquiring it. Unlike skill, which is a learnt ability, and it can be developed in someone if he/she put his time and efforts in it. The efforts need to be voluntary, systematic and sustained, to acquire a skill and satisfactorily undertake various tasks and activities.

Fundamentally, talent is something you are born with (e.g. being fast, extroverted, great hand-eye coordination, amazing voice), whereas a skill is something that can be taught (e.g. the law, customer service, how to code). We are not all blessed with the same talents. In fact, some of us are forced to rely on our skill and hustle to get us through because we do not have as much talent as the next guy.All too often, really talented people drift off, losing sight of their goals and solely relying on the talents they have. They stop preparing as much and don’t do the work that others – who are not blessed with the same talents – have to do in order to succeed, simply because they know that their talent can cover their sins. But, what if we committed to being a creative community that refused to take our talents for granted and were committed to refining them every day? What if we committed to treating our talents like gifts and put in the extra work to increase our knowledge and develop these gifts? What if we committed to continuously develop and refine our gifts so that we could not only be talented, but also skilled? This would benefit not only us but society at large too.