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Stress is encountered constantly throughout life from any activity that causes a misbalance in the equilibrium between the demands subjected on a person and their ability to meet those demands. Coping with stress involves identifying the source of stress or ‘stressors’ and efficiently minimising their effects.

Foremost, identify the sources of stress in your life. Look closely to your habits and actions and what excuses you come up with in stress inducing situations. It could also help to jot it down in your diary or phone whenever you feel stressed. It will help you identify the pattern of stress, your feelings and response to it. Frequently people cope with stress in way that exacerbates the problem. Smoking, drinking, procrastinating or oversleeping/eating is not the solution to deal with stress. It is impossible to remove all stress from life. Instead one has to try and eliminate the unnecessary stressors. It is as simple as avoiding people and topics that stress you out. Some situations need to be confronted and cannot be negotiated with. Bottling up of feelings will only result in a tumultuous bursting at an unaccounted situation. Express your feelings. Communicate openly and freely in a respectable manner or resentment will set in. Find middle ground in situations and compromise. Poor time management can cause inefficient working and anxiety. But if you plan ahead and stick to it, it is possible to meet any deadline without over exerting yourself.

When you can’t alter a situation, adapt to it. Look at things from a different perspective. Set achievable standards for yourself and others instead of seeking perfectionism. Focus on the positive things on life and express gratitude of them. Situations and people in one’s life give enough stress; do not increase by thinking negatively about yourself. Say good things about yourself, appreciate and love yourself. Acceptance of things you can’t change is necessary. Don’t try to control the ungovernable. Certain situations and demeanour of people cannot be altered. Transform your reaction to such situations and people as an alternative. Moreover, it is essential to make time for yourself for self-nurturing. Do anything that relaxes or rejuvenates you, whether it is Lighting scented candles, listening to music, taking a long bath or enjoying the scenery. Getting a good night’s sleep is immensely important.

Taking care of oneself is a necessity, something we owe to ourselves to preserve a healthy body and mind.