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If you’re waiting for your life to suddenly turn around tomorrow or in the next few days, I hate to break it to you, but it’s probably not going to happen. You think that once you move to that city, or get that new car, or find the perfect house, then you’re magically going to be happier? Or perhaps when you get that latest smart phone or get that dream job you’ve always wanted, all your previous problems are going to disappear, right? Wrong. You’ve got to start living in the present moment .In the now. Because while you're sitting there pondering when your life is going to get better, there are other individuals out in this world that are actually living. Procrastination is the hardest sin to beat. Naturally, because who doesn’t love not doing anything, right? But let’s face it — it can severely harm your career and your life as a whole. But beating it is hard; when someone suffers from putting off doing things, they’re naturally not going to put off fixing their procrastinating habit. But this is a vicious circle, one that needs to broken pronto. Dreaming and only thinking about something won’t help us much. It will although plant the seed in our head, but growing the sapling requires working on it since day one, not day 10.

Your life isn’t going to start in a year or in ten years, it’s already begun. So work on yourself. Work on your life and on your relationships. Work on strengthening your bonds with others. And most importantly work on what makes you light up. Figure out what it is that you love to do whether it’s to take care of people, to bake, or to paint.

The reality is that none of us know what is going to happen in our future, but the actions we take in our present can give us an idea of how our future is going to look like. It is simple as that, what we do today or what we cease to do has a consequence in our life. We create with every action we take our future; therefore, it depends on us to create today what we want to experience tomorrow.

Work on loving yourself and the rest will follow suit. A successful entrepreneur did not build his business overnight. It may have taken him years to achieve that. What if he continues to grow his business today? He would be able to see more improvements in the future. It is all about what we are doing today. If you want a bright future then you need to act now, not tomorrow or the next week. Time is the essence here. Losing a day, a week, or a few months can significantly affect our future. So stop wasting your days. Make it happen today!