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How much ever one may try to deny it, what other people in our life think of us affects us in some way. Others thoughts impact our life and course of action in a significant manner. Every little action is scrutinised and judged but there are certain things one can do to make a good impression on others.

Watch your body language carefully as it can easily express your real thoughts. Particular actions such as smirks, nail biting, eye rolls, cracking of fingers can perceived as disinterest, impatience or nervousness even if that is not your intention. Volume and tone of voice should be controlled. Loud voice can appear overly strong and a monotonous voice projects lack of enthusiasm. A light and friendly tone should be used. Focus on making eye contact when speaking and listening to others to look interested. A smile does wonders in creating a good impression. Walking around with a grimace or frown repels others and observes a grim and serious character. Without a doubt good manners and polite, attentive and courteous behaviour help make a good impression. Set aside any distractions by switching off your phone and give your complete attention to the person. Always be on time whenever you are meeting someone. It is always better to arrive early than coming in late and making excuses. Physical appearance definitely matters so present yourself properly. Put in some efforts to look good by dressing smartly. Dress according to the situation and setting. Be open and confident. Everyone is nervous and jittery when meeting someone whom you want to create a good impression on but do not let is distract you.

Not only is your attitude and speech important, but you should also consider the image you portray on social media. Be positive as people always gravitate towards those with a positive attitude. Show your personality by sharing any specific interests and talents. It takes only a few moments to make a good or bad impression which tends to stick on a person. So don’t lose this opportunity and grab the chance to gain new friends in life or a job.