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We all have weaknesses that limit us. They hold us back from achieving our full potential. They tether us with a cord of dissatisfaction and compliance. Yet, as you might already know, achieving anything worthwhile in life involves overcoming the weaknesses that have once held you back. It involves taking the reins of your life and charging forward in the right direction, with the ability to surmount any obstacle.

The first step in overcoming your weaknesses is simply to be honest with yourself. The truth is that most of us lie to ourselves on a daily basis. We sugarcoat and mask the reality of a situation because it's too difficult to mentally deal with certain things. We're not weak — we're just lazy or tired or angry or anything else for that matter.If your shortcomings have a common thread, this is a clear weakness. Now that you've identified that weakness you can start developing a strategy to work on it. When you overcome the weakness, there's a better chance that your future outcomes will be what you want. For example, if you struggle to get along with family and coworkers, you might be weak in communication goals to create an action plan for improving weaknesses. Make sure your goals are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely. A broad goal like "improve working relationships" is difficult to measure. Instead, break it down into manageable goals, such as scheduling a meeting next week with a colleague to discuss ways of improving communication between your departments. Assign a deadline to each goal. Review your goals to ensure they are attainable. Your list of goals acts as a strategic plan for improving weaknesses.

It will also help you prioritize tasks and save time. As you turn your weaknesses into strengths, be sure to reward yourself. Improving weaknesses shows that you are self-directed, action-oriented and ready to take the next step in your personal and professional journey. If you improve a weakness, treat yourself to something special, like lunch at a fun deli. Invite your mentor to join you. Be sure to acknowledge and celebrate every weakness that you can improve.