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What motto should you follow for a successful social and professional life? Work Hard and Party Harder! This motto helps attain a balanced and tension free life. You know why? This is because you get to spend time for yourself and your loved ones after a hectic day. A dream doesn't become reality through magic, it takes sweat, determination and hard work. If you hard work, then you can party hard but without hard work nothing grows but weeds.

Work hard party harder means working with dedication but partying with full dedication. This concept lightens the tensions and stress which generally flows in the mind during office hours. Getting success is not just enough for a joyous life. Remember to leave your work at the office, forget about it when you exit that forsaken door to the office. The best thing to do is, before you finish work, complete a task before you leave, write down any reminders for the next day and then forget about it. As soon as you leave work, leave your reminders and work behind too. Once you are home, focus on doing something you enjoy, spending time with your loved ones and switch off from work. This will bring you a step closer to acquiring a perfect work-life balance. Party make you forget your pain, trouble and all the worries which bug you whenever you are free. Dancing on loud music with a sip of beer makes you forget everything that was bothering you. The strength to party after a long hectic day comes automatically. Self-care is so important when it comes to finding a good work-life balance for yourself.

You need to prioritize some of your time only dedicated to relaxing and doing things that you want to do. This can help you to feel much more positive and relaxed. Even if your calendar is looking very busy do not make that stop you from taking your own me time. You still need this time to yourself. Partying to dispense your tension can sometimes add to it.So, be careful. Live with this mantra- Work hard party harder but remember, excess of anything is not healthy for you!