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Each day counts. Everything that you do in a day shapes you into who you are. Your actions, thoughts and what you say to others and yourself all contribute to creating a future you. People are always changing. What they think and their ideas are constantly evolving; always in a stage of becoming. As Robin Sharma says, "Each of us has an exquisite power within us. But for this power to grow, we need to use it. The more you exercise it each day, the stronger it gets. The more this power gets tapped, the more confident you grow."

There's a well-known Chinese proverb that says, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Yet far too many people never even get started on that journey and make big changes to reach their destination. Do something every day that would make you closer to your goal. Supposedly, you want to get into a habit of reading. Commit to reading two pages every day and by the end of the year you would have read enough to amount to 2 books. By committing to making small progress each day, you will have turned what otherwise may seem like an insurmountable challenge into something that you can accomplish in a year's time. When your journey involves taking a series of tiny steps over time, it might be easy to overlook the fact of what you've actually accomplished. But when you take time each week to review everything you have achieved, you will be amazed at how far you've come – and you will be even more motivated to continue your journey.

A life of value is learning to embrace each day, and today is a day that is yours alone to be savoured for the rarity it is in life. Don't let this day be wasted believing there will always be a tomorrow, another chance, or a day we are waiting to be special.Who you are is a thousand days of the smallest things in life that ultimately should be the things we treasure the most in life, yet we fail to understand that where we are is exactly where we should be, and we should be present in our own life.