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Challenge your limits, don't limit your challenges

We avoid and limit our challenges. And that creates lost opportunities for our career, our development and our happiness. We don't grow when things are easily accessible.

We grow when we face challenges, and appreciate bigger things in life. Criticizing your workplace only because it's turning out to be more of a challenge isn't the right way to help relieve the pressure. Organisations put you in difficult positions only because they want to mould you into a strong character, just like your parents did when you were younger, only now it gets a lot more challenging than it did back then. Every job is a self-portrait of the person who does it.

From challenges we gain success, motivation and personal growth. This creates positive energy for us to do and achieve more. Taking on challenges creates resilience and makes us stronger. This can apply to personal life just as much as work life. I often hear "I haven't got time to do it" but I wonder how often this is really true. If you challenged this perceived time limit you can unlock a lot of opportunity. Could you get up 1 hour earlier? Could you get a babysitter one night a week to free up your time? Could you ask your manager to support you by giving you a few hours a week to put towards it? There are lots of ways to overcome your challenges, if you think creatively about them.

Sarah and I have fit in running Amazing If alongside our full-time jobs for the last 18 months as well as running a not-for-profit, studying for a Masters and having a baby! We aren't superhuman, we just challenged our limits and pursued our passions. Write down the 2 or 3 limiting beliefs that are holding you back. For each belief, answer the question "what could I achieve if this wasn't true" (this is to inspire you)Then for each belief think of 3 ways you can test and overcome the challenge (ask for the opinion of other people here too, they will see your challenges from a different perspective and can offer ideas). The only way to do great work is to love what you do and where you work, for nobody has ever grown with distaste in mind. Great things are brought about and burdens are lightened through the efforts of many hands positively engaged towards a particular goal, not with negativity and skepticism.