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Also known as emotional intelligence it is the capability of individuals to recognize their own emotions and those of others discern between different feelings and label them appropriately. They use emotional information to guide thinking and behaviourand adjust emotions to adapt to environments or achieve one's goals. It is the counterpart of intelligence quotient. It is also a famous buzzword these days. Many times it is suggested that a modern worker must have a fair amount of emotional quotient accompanying the intelligent quotient, in order to be successful. The ability to manage emotions is measured through emotional quotient, and for positions which deal with people, be it the customers or the employee, this is an important requirement.

According to Dr Goleman, "emotional intelligence is defined as a set of skills or competencies, which provide human resource professionals, managers, and anyone in the world of work, with a comprehen¬sive tool to define, measure and develop emotional skills". He also defined the five dimensions of emotional quotient, as knowing one's emotions, controlling one's emotions, empathy, controlling emotions in others and improvement in controlling emotions. To have a good EQ, one needs to be well aware about these dimensions. The first thing we need to do it, be well aware about our emotions. Know your most dominant emotion, and try to control it. Be aware of your surroundings and the try staying away from situations which encourage that emotion. Learning to control emotions is a huge task but not impossible.

Try some techniques for controlling them. Try counting in your head till ten, or taking deep breathes. Empathy means recognizing emotions in others. Non-verbal communication is all about inferring the unsaid feelings via face, eyes and emotions. It comprises an important component which helps in gathering the whole information in a conversation. The fourth dimension which includes controlling the emotions in others is an extension of the third dimension. Once we are aware of someone's emotions and their habits, we get acquainted with their nature. We can behave in certain ways and make sure to avoid the certain topics that might be sensitive for them. Lastly, there is always the scope for improvement. We should try to control our emotions more and avoid them from entering our professional life.

Absence of emotions is also a negative point. It makes us insensitive and it will be tough for others to get comfortable with us. A balance is required. Some of the ways to increase your EQ are as follows:

Don't interrupt of change the subject. If you get uncomfortable around feelings, confront them, avoiding them will only increase the problem.

Don't judge your feelings too quickly. Healthy emotions often rise and fall in a wave, rising, peaking, and fading naturally. Our aim should be not to cut off the wave before it peaks.

Write down thoughts and feelings. Start a journal and jot down your feelings at the end of the day. Recognize the situations which make you feel nervous, scary and afraid.