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Next time you’re bored out of your mind, don’t reach for your Smartphone, reach for a book instead. Reading books provides a range of benefits you may not be aware of. In fact, the more books you read, the more awesome you will be. Reading is about and understanding as well as working out what’s printed on the page. Through reading we are exposed to a wide range of words. This helps us build their own vocabulary and improve our understanding when we read, which is vital as they start to read. It’s important for us to understand how stories work too. Even if we don’t understand every word, we’ll see new words and phrases which we can then try out. It acts as a great distraction too.. Reading is an immersive experience. It pulls us into another world, away from reality and whatever is happening in our life right now. Reading fiction gives us an inside peek into scenarios and realities we couldn’t otherwise live our self. This opens up our critical thinking capabilities and activates our empathy sensors. We become more aware and sensitive to people’s plights, cultures, and customs, and feel more forgiving and nurturing where we might have once been condescending or inflexible. Reading is knowledge. You can watch a documentary or tutorial to learn a new skill but nothing beats the original experience of reading, processing, and understanding new knowledge or how-to(s) all by yourself. Reading the newspaper, magazine, novels or even comics gives us certain facts and information that aid us in making our conversations interesting. These topics act as great conversation starters. Reading stimulates your creativity.

You start thinking critically and more boldly, all because you’ve already been exposed to various scenarios and have garnered the tools an knowledge to be less ordinary and more unique.

When you sit down with a book, you need just six minutes to forget your troubles, according to a 2009 study conducted by the University of Sussex for the consulting company Mindlab International. They tested reading against other methods of relaxation, including walking, drinking a cup of tea, listening to music, and playing video games. Reading reduced participants’ stress levels by 68 percent. On average, readers only needed six minutes to lower their heart rates and relax their muscles. The next best thing—listening to music—lowered stress levels by 61 percent, while video games only decreased them by 21 percent.

It’s a cliche but it’s nonetheless true: reading empowers you. The knowledge and worlds you experience when reading give you confidence and wisdom on how to deal with real life situations more gracefully and wisely. Reading is your key to becoming a better person in all aspects of your life. Reading is how you improve your marketability, your communication skills, your empathy and emotional intelligence, your appeal. Reading is one of the few habits known to man that you can never have too much of. So go on, read on!