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Everyone at one point or another in their life undergoes stressful events which leaves them in a shaken state and feeling depressed. At such times one feels a loss of sense and purpose in life. The first step towards getting better is to focus time and energy on yourself and taking care of yourself from every aspect, whether it is physically, emotionally or spiritually.

When people are depressed they tend to look at everything in a negative light and every inconvenience overwhelmingly burdens them. At such times one must remind themselves that over analysing of issues or ‘emotional vomiting’ hinders problem solving ability and psychological insight. Conscious efforts to reframe the negative perception of events are necessary. One has to let go of unhealthy high expectations and goals and set achievable standards for themselves. It is tempting to over scrutinise the negative situation in life but one has to remember and be grateful for the positives. Self-abasement or loathing others will do you no good. Changing your thought process is inevitable; it is a gradual and long process but it must be done.

Living in the past or worrying about the future will not get you on right side of feeling better. Learn to direct your mind to what is happening in the present and focus on spending your mental energy on the tasks you enjoy. Having a proper framework by organising your activities for the day will help you regain a sense of control of life and make you feel less like a passive entity in life.

Humans rely on social connection to survive. Do not isolate yourself or you will succumb to loneliness. Often people with a lot of friends feel lonely as well. It is important to build meaningful connections with people; surround yourself with those who genuinely care about you. Open up your life to others and do something to that makes you feel good about yourself every day regardless of how small the action may be. Do not hesitate to seek medical help if you find yourself staggering and unstable due to depression. One must know there is nothing shameful in reaching out for help.