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Goal setting is an absolute must for people who wish to succeed. It helps them find their true purpose and create joy in their lives. Goal setting is powerful on the grounds that it gives focus. It shapes our fantasies. It enables us to focus on the correct activities we have to perform to accomplish all that we want throughout everyday life. Objectives are extraordinary because they make us extend and develop in ways that we never have. Keeping in mind the end goal to achieve our objectives, we must become better. Life is meaningless if you don't have goals. What would the purpose of your life be, if you don't have any aim? You can only live a happy life is you know why you have been put on earth, no? If you have something to think about when you wake up in morning or if you have something to do that is significant enough for you.

And there are those people, who work hard in life but still wake up being clueless. They don't feel comfortable enough and it is only because they haven't set a goal, something that they want for themselves and something they want to achieve. Goal setting helps in creating your vision into reality. Here are a few tips on how you can use to set as well as achieve powerful goals.

Firstly, set lifetime goals. It's the big picture you need to think about. It's the ultimate goal of who you want to be and what you really, really want to achieve.

This is what gives you the plan along which you define other smaller goals to complete the big one. As you will go along the way, you will start putting the pieces together as you go on completing the small goals.

Secondly, set realistic goals. Everyone wants to do something big and make a difference in their lives but you can end up setting unrealistic goals because of society or parents. You would try to achieve the goals they expect you to achieve by a certain age, but it might not be what “you” want. Try to avoid adding in those as it is your life, not theirs.

We can try and use this SMART (Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely) model of goal setting.

Specific: What EXACTLY will you do?
Measurable: How will you know if you MEET your goal?
Achievable: What STEPS will you take to reach your goal?
Relevant: What is it about the goal that makes it IMPORTANT to you?
Timely: WHEN do you plan to complete your goal?

This framework can be used at work, for your overall career plan and even in your personal life.

Focus on what is working for you, and not on what isn't. You will encounter certain areas in your life where you'll feel like you're progressing as quickly you'd hoped for. It's easy to get negative thoughts at such times. But make sure you remember that the law of attraction works it's best when you will focus on the positive times.

Reward yourself for every one of your victory. Big or small it doesn't matter. You worked hard enough to achieve it and this will motivate you even more to move forward.