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Knowing how to exactly convince someone so things work in your favour, will help you to become a better salesperson, entrepreneur or whatever it is that you prefer. Developing the powers of persuasion will help you get ahead in business and personal relationships. Whether you want to convince a client to make a big purchase or convince your parents to let you stay out later on the weekends, learning to construct a solid argument, style that argument, and understand the person you're arguing with, you can learn to convince anyone of anything.In 1925, as France was recovering from the war, a conman Victor Lustig came up with his most brilliant idea. As France was recovering from war, the upkeep of the Eiffel Tower was getting expensive. He explained to sic metal scrap dealers that the City could not afford to keep the tower and that they had to sell it for scrap. He succeeded in convincing one of them and escaped with the money. While Victor definitely isn't a good role model when it comes to honesty, there's no doubt he knew how to bring others around to his point of view.

• LISTEN TO THEM: The first step in convincing someone is to listen to what they are saying. Instead of verbally bulldozing them, listen respectfully to the other person. Ask to discuss with them their opinions on the topic.
• IDENTIFY THE OTHER PERSON'S REASONING: Turns out, "fight fire with fire" is a smart persuasion technique. Research proves that using the same type of reasoning as the person you're trying to persuade is much more effective than using a different one.So if the other person is being logical, use logic too. If, on the other hand, they're making decisions based on their emotions, sway them with an emotional argument.

• PRESENT THE COUNTER-ARGUMENT: You should be prepared for any counter-argument the person could bring up through thorough research and knowledge. Along with this you might even bring up counter-arguments for them. But to do this you have to successfully refute it after bringing it up or this approach will not work. Laying your cards on the table immediately makes you more credible.
• DEVELOP YOUR REASONING AND BACK IT UP WITH EXAMPLES AND EVIDENCES: Making a good argument is like building a table--you want the main point to be held up by supporting reasoning like a table being held up by its legs. If you don't have that supporting reasoning and evidence, your table is just a piece of wood.You need to use memorable and striking details that will illustrate your points for you. If you want to convince someone that Games of Throne is the best fantasy show ever, you'll have to know the specifics of the show and its appealing points. It'll be tough going if you can't even remember the names of all characters (yes, all).

These strategies should make moving your prospect's hearts and minds a little easier. But make sure to use your powers for good, not for evil like Victor who tried selling the Eiffel Tower.